MagicCalc is available on Google Play Market, Amazon AppStore and Nook AppStore. The product is available for all android devices (Phones and Tablets). MagicCalc works better on 800x480 resolution screens or higher.
MagicCalc Classic for Android...
Application Name: MagicCalc Classic
Application Category: Tools
Price: 1$.
MagicCalc is available on Google Play Market, Amazon AppStore and Nook AppStore. The product is available for all android devices (Phones and Tablets). MagicCalc works better on 800x480 resolution screens or higher.
Magic Slide Puzzle for Android...
Application Category: Games/Puzzle and Brain
Price: 1$
Magic Slide Puzzle is available on Google Play Market, Amazon AppStore and Nook AppStore. The product is available for all android devices (Phones and Tablets). Magic Slide Puzzle works better on 800x480 resolution screens or higher.
Magic Jigsaw Puzzle for Android...
Application Category: Games/Puzzle and Brain
Price: 1$
Magic Jigsaw Puzzle is available on Google Play Market, Amazon AppStore and Nook AppStore. The product is available for all android devices (Phones and Tablets). Magic Jigsaw Puzzle works better on 800x480 resolution screens or higher.
Magic Shape Puzzle for Android...
Application Category: Games/Puzzle and Brain
Price: 1$
Magic Shape Puzzle is available on Google Play Market, Amazon AppStore and Nook AppStore. The product is available for all android devices (Phones and Tablets). Magic Shape Puzzle works better on 800x480 resolution screens or higher.
I thanks Maria Rom for her great help in these projects.
My Research Book...
My research project on artificial intelligence is published. You can purchase it at
After that, you can use theses variable as you need:
A+B Enter Sin(A+Cos(B)) Enter
Complex variable names are also implemented:
Alpha=23.34 Enter Beta=52.3 Enter sin(Alpha+cos(Beta)) Enter
2D Graphics
Type Graph2D(function(x)) with the function
you need:
Graph2D(sin(1/x)) Enter
Function appears in 2D Window, you can use
the Mouse buttons and Roll to
zoom, Drag to move the graphic on the screen.
Or use keyboard UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT keys.
You can add more functions any time, system supports until 10
You can clear the screen by typing CLS command
on Console Windows.
2D Parametric functions
Type Param2D(function1, function2, Number of points,
Precision step) with the function you need:
Param2D(sin(t),cos(t),500,0.25) Enter
Param2D(sin(t),cos(3*t),500,0.25) Enter
Function appears in 2D Window, you can use
the Mouse buttons and Roll to
zoom, Drag to move the graphic on the screen.
Or use keyboard UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT keys.
You can add more functions any time, system supports until 10
You can clear the screen by typing CLS command
on Console Windows.
3D Graphics
Type Graph3D(function(x,y)) with the function
you need:
Graph3D(sin(x)+cos(y)) Enter
Function appears in 3D Window, use the (Alt/Shift/Ctrl)+
Arrow keys on computer Keyboard buttons to move and zoom
on the graphic screen.
You can add more functions any time, system supports until 10
You can clear the screen by typing CLS command.
3D Parametric Functions
Type Param3D(function1, function2, function3, Number
of points, Precision step) with the function you need:
Param3D(5*cos(3*t), 5*sin(2*t), 5*sin(t), 500,0.25) Enter
Function appears in 3D Window, use the (Alt/Shift/Ctrl)+
Arrow keys on computer Keyboard buttons to move and zoom
on the graphic screen.
You can add more functions any time, system supports until 10
You can clear the screen by typing CLS command.
Progarm Window
Here you can type simple and more complex programs.
Example :
A=5 Enter
B=2 Enter
A+cos(B) Enter
To run a program, just click on Run Program button in the top right
of the MagicCalc screen.
Supported functions
All supported functions are present in the MagicCalc Keyboard.
However you can use your pc physical keyboard.
Scale Dimension
XMin, XMax, YMin, YMax
buttons: lets you define
the 2D scale dimension.
XMin3D, XMax3D, YMin3D, YMax3D, ZMin3D, ZMax3D
buttons : lets you define the 3D scale dimension.
Tracing Function
You can any time trace your function by : Trace
Use LEFT/RIGHT buttons to trace.
You can trace the next function by : Trace
To disable trace, just press TraceOff Button.
Software Licence
This project have a Free License on the free version.